Why do we need to build our triceps and how to build them.

Why do we need to build our triceps and how to build them. 

A developed set of triceps creates the arm size that most lifters seek. It's something that Bicep Curls alone just can't pull off. But there are performance-based reasons why the triceps should be well-trained.

The triceps are not frequently thought of as shoulder stabilizers, but in my opinion every muscle that attaches to the scapulae (i.e., shoulder blades) has an effect on stabilizing the shoulder in some way. The triceps also fit the bill.

To improve shoulder stability via triceps strength, you need to strengthen the three heads of the muscle. It's easy to get caught up in training only the first two heads of the triceps, the lateral and medial, which are most easily targeted with Dips, Close-Grip Bench and Skullcrushers. The third head—the long head—doesn't activate until the upper arm makes its way away from the body with overhead movements like the French Press and Pullover variations.

If going overhead with weight results in shoulder discomfort, you can modify the Pressdown—what I consider to be the most overused triceps exercise of all time—to target the long head of your triceps, pain-free.

Hence, It's always beneficial to think about the function of the muscles before choosing an exercise. This keeps performance in first view, ensuring that you're developing the muscles entirely at the same time. Plus, there's nothing wrong with sporting a couple of solid horseshoes on the back of the arm when it's time for the guns to come out.

Build your triceps with these exercises:-
